Anasayfa PİA Group
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PİA Group tik görseli

SEKTÖR Telekomünikasyon

PİA Group Hakkında

Welcome to PiA, where we put People in Action to accelerate our client’s technology innovation cycles and help them addressing hyper-competition. Founded in 2012, we offer a wide range of IT services across sectors from our offices in Seattle, Istanbul, Dubai, and Tirana. We are a team of professionals: putting Performance in Action, with a Purpose in Action to innovate, and provide high-quality services that meet our clients’ needs.

As PiA, we deliver Precision in Action: our services include turn-key solutions, digital transformation, new generation software design, application modernization, application development and maintenance, solution engineering and technology consultancy. We cover the entire spectrum of requirements, from strategy to project management, development, and testing.

Developed as a next-generation platform within PiA’s Platform in Action approach, "DNext" enables customers to perform unique digital customer engagement with catalog-based order management. DNext transforms monolithic systems to next-gen multi-industry platforms promoting higher value chain in digital business growth. DNext is a successful spin-off from PiA, now operating independently with its own team of Professionals in Action. It represents PiA's support for intrapreneurship.

Our growing team of 400+ members made Progress in Action by delivering 200+ international projects in 35 countries across telecommunications, banking, and insurance sectors. Vodafone, Ericsson, T-Mobile, Zain, Saudi Telecom, Millenicom, Microsoft, Accenture, Turk Telekom and Turkcell are part of our extensive clientele.


Geçmiş Etkinlikler
Tür Etkinlik Adı Son Başvuru Tarihi
Bootcamp Support Bootcamp 13 Haziran 2024 - 23:59
Bootcamp Talents in Action – Technology Summer Camp 20 Mayıs 2024 - 18:00

PİA Group Bootcamp’lerine, Hackathon’larına ve Hiring Challenge’larına Katılanlar Ne Diyor?

Coderspace ve PiA Group iş birliği ile gerçekleşen Support Bootcamp'te, Docker, Kubernetes, RabbitMQ gibi güncel teknolojiler hakkında kendimi geliştirme ve farklı projeler ile bunları pekiştirme fırsatı edindim. Bu harika süreçten sonrasında PiA ile gerçekleştirdiğimiz işe alım süreci sonunda PiA maceram başlamış oldu.

Testimonial: Mehmet Eren Çelik
Mehmet Eren Çelik Support Bootcamp Katılımcısı
PİA Group Hackathon

Hackathon ve Datathon'lara katıl, gerçek sorunlara gerçek verilerle çözüm üret, kendini geliştir ve para ödülü kazan!

PİA Group Hiring Challenge

Hiring Challenge'lara katıl, belirli yazılım dillerinde kodla, yazılım testinden geç, mülakat sürecini hızlandır!

PİA Group Bootcamp

Bootcamp’lere katıl, eğitim programını tamamla, ödevler ve final projesiyle kendini geliştir, öğrenerek işe girme fırsatı yakala!

SEKTÖR Telekomünikasyon
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