🚀 Would you like to join Fibabanka's journey that shapes the future of financial technologies?
🌐 If you are someone who sees opportunities that add value to your customers' lives, changes the rules of the game using technology, and focuses on a solution rather than a problem, this Bootcamp is for you.
🎯 To push the limits and make a difference, apply to Bootcamp and start your career at Fibabanka!
Önder Teker - Instructor ( LinkedIn )
Application Deadline
Online Test
Pre-interviews on phone
Announcement of participants who are selected for Speed Bootcamp
Speed Bootcamp Java Spring Boot
5 Kasım Cumartesi 10:00-16:00 & 6 Kasım Pazar 10:00-16:00
Spring & Spring Boot : Introduction
Maven, POM, Dependencies, Settings
Controller, Mapping, GET
DTO (Data Transfer Object)
Service Interface & Implementation
IoC (Inversion of Control) & DI (Dependency Injection)
Spring REST Service & Client : Basics
REST Controller for GET
REST Client (RestTemplate) for GET
REST Client (RestTemplate) for POST, PUT, DELETE
Spring REST Service & Client : Advanced
REST Response Headers & Cookie
REST Request Headers, Cookie
REST Service Status & Error Handling
Testing : RestTemplate, cURL & POSTMAN
Spring Boot Projects
Data Project : REST Controller, Service DTO Design
Middleware Project : REST Client Component
Middleware Project : REST Service, DTO Design
Testing : RestTemplate, cURL & POSTMAN
After bootcamp, successful candidates will get an offer.